To protect the future of childcare in Ontario, independent childcare centers across the province need one voice representing them in the public sphere. Therefore, we have formed a formal association - the Ontario Association of Independent Childcare Centers (OAICC) - to represent our sector, participate in government consultations, have a united narrative in the media, and launch public campaigns to educate and mobilize parents.
The OAICC is a group of commercial daycare operators and small business owners committed to seeing the meaningful and practical implementation of Ontario's $10/day childcare program. Our goal is to act as a coordinated group to achieve better childcare outcomes for children, parents, and centers across Ontario.
Without changes to the proposed implementation agreement between the provincial and federal governments, Ontario's quality and choice of childcare will decrease, the supply of spaces will collapse, and waitlists will skyrocket.
Now is the time to make our voices heard.
OAICC is a volunteer-led non-profit organization of Ontario's independent childcare center owners who care about implementing affordable childcare that won't compromise choice, quality, or supply of spaces.
OAICC started as a grassroots organization, formed on Facebook in April 2020, at the start of the pandemic lockdown. Since CWELCC, the association has incorporated as a non-profit organization to represent its members.